How Funding Impacts Exit Strategies

CFI is used by more than 2 million professionals to master financial analysis, modeling, accounting, and other subjects. Use our

How To Handle Investor Expectations During An Exit

Positive or negative, unexpected news can affect stock price, shareholder involvement, and investor expectations. Mark Fasken, the co-founder and COO of

Choosing The Best Enterprise Analytics Platform

Data is the foundation of today's corporate environment. Data drives strategic decision-making, uncovers new income sources, and exposes hidden waste producers that are negatively impacting your bottom line, regardless of

Common Mistakes To Avoid During Funding Negotiations

At times, we make obvious blunders in negotiations: we miscalculate our figures, point out our weaknesses to the other side when caution was called for, or mistakenly betray our bottom

How To Deal With Negative Comments On Social Media

For a brand that is active on social media, complaints and unfavorable remarks are more common than unusual. You can't avoid getting bad feedback on your social media sites because

How to handle post-exit transitions for startups

From the founders' point of view, the phase after departure is evidence of their tenacity and flexibility. They have to balance their practical need to pass up the power with

Tips For Managing Social Media Accounts For Multiple Clients

Driving brand awareness and reaching out to possible consumers may be done powerfully on social media. Still, running several social media accounts can be taxing. Imagine doing this for two or