Case Studies of Effective Enterprise Resource Planning

Case Studies of Effective Enterprise Resource Planning

Businesses turn to software vendors for assistance in managing a variety of corporate resources. Accounting, financial analysis, human resource management, customer interactions, manufacturing, supply chain, and inventory management are some of the areas with the greatest demands. Among the biggest suppliers of solutions are Microsoft, SAP, Salesforce, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce.

Here are a few ERP success stories to assist you understand the main obstacles and objectives that certain firms have in this field.

Western Digital

The technology business Western Digital provides services and products related to data, data storage, data systems, and data solutions. Around 2019, HGST, SanDisk, and Western Digital merged, which presented a significant challenge for the business. Western Digital sought to consolidate ERP as part of the merger to improve collaboration between the three businesses.

Following final discussions between the two suppliers, Oracle ERP Cloud was selected by the organization. This decision was also accompanied by the Oracle Suite of products, which offered integrated analytics and performance management solutions.

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Integrations from the three companies in the following areas were among the main advantages of choosing Oracle:

  • Cost center management
  • Information technology
  • Human resource management
  • Payroll processing
  • Streamlined systems for forecasting business analytics and forecasts
  • Workforce planning
  • Comprehensive dashboards and automated reporting
  • Improved customer relationship analysis
  • Systems all running efficiently in the cloud for easier accessibility and document management


Walmart is among the top fifteen largest US firms by market value as of August 2022.2 The corporation made more than $570 billion in sales in FY 2022.

The firm has local markets, budget stores, and brick-and-mortar supercenters across the world. Hundreds of brands, including the well-known Sam's Club, are owned by it. It sources from thousands of vendors in order to properly maintain its stores stocked. Its massive e-commerce company has a vast variety of relationships with online sellers. One of Walmart's biggest benefits is the sheer size of its operation, but it also presents ERP issues.

Walmart collaborates with several ERP vendors. On the other hand, it declared in 2018 that it will establish a strategic alliance with Microsoft Azure to develop a digital transformation. Advantages of the partnership with Microsoft Azure consist of:

  • Building out a cloud-based enterprise system that serves as the framework for managing all of its resources
  • The capability to plug-in existing ERP applications to the Microsoft Azure framework
  • Integration of Microsoft 365
  • Broader and more efficient opportunities for e-commerce
  • Broader opportunities for automated warehousing capabilities
  • Use of artificial intelligence for supplier relationships
  • Integration with SAP Hana and other legacy inventory management solutions
  • Integration with blockchain-based solutions that are evolving

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TD Bank Group

A connection between TD Bank and Microsoft for the Microsoft Azure ERP was also prompted by a move to a reliable cloud foundation. The TD Bank Group faces several significant obstacles, mostly related to digital storage and the digital client experience.

With Microsoft Azure, the TD Bank Group will also integrate Office 365. Some of the greatest benefits TD Bank will experience with its Azure relationship include:

  • Enhancements in derivative pricing and risk management for TD Securities
  • Integrations for its proprietary data and analytics database used in cross-bank reporting
  • Integrations with artificial intelligence developments through its subsidiary Layer 6
  • Greater opportunities for managing TD Bank customer relationships and digital experiences6

The Bottom Line

ERP system initiatives are often expensive, time-consuming, and large-scale. A corporation often intends to maintain its ERP system commitment over time. A business might use a wide range of ERP suppliers and systems, which can complicate compatibility issues significantly.

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